Posts by Jeremy Davis
Opportunity of a lifetime: 2020 Presidential Debate Support
Belmont University, located in HCA Healthcare’s home town of Nashville, Tennessee, hosted the final debate of the 2020 presidential election during a global pandemic. HCA Healthcare partnered with Belmont University to administer more than 2,000 COVID-19 tests over the course of seven days. The Creative Services team was tasked with creating everything for multiple COVID-19…
Read MoreReinforcing values through consistency: HCA Healthcare Enterprise Brand
The HCA Healthcare brand is more than just a logo. It represents our promise to improve more lives in more ways. We devote every day to ensuring our organization’s commitment is evident by making the HCA Healthcare brand relatable, understood and accessible. In partnership with our Brand and Communications teams, we worked tirelessly to define…
Read MoreReports to inform and inspire: Impact and Shareholder Reports
Every year, our team builds stunning reports to showcase the ways HCA Healthcare continues to live out its mission. Often delivered in tandem, both reports include cohesive design elements that breathe life — and a touch of fun — into these otherwise practical documents. Annual Impact Report: The 2023 Annual Impact Report recognizes —and quantifies…
Read MoreCaring during COVID-19: Gratitude, Resilience, and Forward Campaigns
When COVID-19 hit, we reprioritized. Campaigns previously scheduled took a back seat to new and more important messaging. The new focus was to show gratitude for HCA Healthcare’s colleagues and showcase how HCA Healthcare evolved during the pandemic to ensure its patients were kept safe. Gratitude. Resilience. Forward. Powerful words turned into powerful campaigns. Gratitude:…
Read MoreAwaken the Wonder: ITG All Hands Event
Improvement of anything – even human life – relies to some degree on technology. We need coders connected to the work they are doing. They need to remember the changes they create are for patients and caregivers everywhere. At our ITG All Hands Event, the right setting, presenters and special effects did the trick, connecting…
Read MoreCreativity meets a pandemic: Spread knowledge. Save lives. Campaign
100+ assets created. 3,000+ downloads. 2 million+ social impressions. Get the picture? This was one engaging campaign. The Spread knowledge. Save lives. campaign was originally created to encourage HCA Healthcare colleagues to follow CDC guidance by continuing to wear masks, keeping distance and washing hands. Five months into the COVID-19 pandemic, there were concerns that…
Read MoreTaking on the issues: Medication Diversion Program
Medication theft continues to be a growing problem in healthcare settings. In fact, 1 in 10 healthcare providers will abuse drugs at some point.1 Combatting this issue at HCA Healthcare meant not only encouraging colleagues to speak up, but also educating them on how and why to do so. In 2020, we developed a comprehensive…
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